Understanding how to find autism treatment is a problem parents are pondering now more than ever. The cause of autism isn’t fully understood but it can impact children of any gender, race, or background. An early intervention program in Westchester, NY can diagnose children as young as two years because symptoms can develop by six months of age. Autism can cause severe psychosocial and developmental delays, making early treatment important.
What is Autism?
Autism is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder, meaning it causes both cognitive and developmental impairments. The exact cause of autism isn’t known and there is no cure, which is why understanding how to find autism treatment when your child experiences symptoms is essential.
Autism spectrum disorders have a diverse group of symptoms that impact how your child interacts with their environment and with other people. Some autism symptoms may appear as obsessive behaviors or routines, which can cause severe emotional distress if they aren’t followed.
Children with autism typically experience significant delays in developing language skills. Autism makes it difficult to understand gestures and facial expressions, which can make it hard for children with autism to play with and get along with peers. Failing to develop verbal skills by pre-school is another common symptom of autism. Autism spectrum disorder treatment programs in Westchester, NY provide evidence-based ABA autism spectrum disorder treatment to help your child with autism succeed.
Other symptoms of autism spectrum disorders can include:
- Fixating on certain objects, such as staring at a toy for a prolonged time
- Acting distant or withdrawn, especially when around people
- Disinterest in playing or socializing with peers
- Trouble participating in structured activities
- Movement impairments or severe clumsiness
- Self-injurious behavior, such as pulling their hair or hitting themselves
How to Find Autism Treatment
Understanding how to find autism treatment is important if you notice your child is failing to meet important developmental milestones. Autism is treated with a variety of therapeutic techniques. An early intervention program works with babies and young children to promote language, communication, and social skills.
Knowing how to find autism treatment also requires contacting your child’s pediatrician, as they can refer your child to the appropriate specialist to evaluate symptoms. Although symptoms of autism can appear before the age of two, many children aren’t diagnosed until early childhood. This is because autism requires symptoms to occur in multiple settings and to impact relationships with peers, so social deficiencies can be difficult to spot until your child begins school or socializes with peers. Additionally, autism is diagnosed based on behavioral observations, meaning it can take several weeks or longer for a medical professional to complete an evaluation and provide a diagnosis.
Parents play a pivotal role in the development of their child with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. A parental services program in Westchester, NY provides parents with critical education on autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
If your child is in school, you can learn how to find autism treatment by talking to your child’s teacher or school administrators. Many schools have special education programs that can connect you with autism spectrum disorder treatment programs. Some schools also have TSS workers and can coordinate with autism treatment service providers.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment
Therapy is the main form of treatment for autism. Many autism treatments focus on teaching children how to understand verbal and non-verbal cues, which can include helping your child how to practice typical social norms and engage in conversations with peers.
Knowing how to find autism treatment is the best way you can support your child, as early interventions lead to more favorable treatment outcomes. Limiting the progression and severity of symptoms helps prepare your child for school and cultivate important life skills.